Thursday 7 December 2017

Minor project: O'Barney Continuing Design

Fig 1: Continuing Designs for O'Barney by Exploring Body Types
Here are some more concepts for O'Barney, coming off from the Interim Crit where admittedly he was my least thought out design of the three bogeymen characters I went and re-evaluated his design and played with some body types, as well as some raincoat and macintosh designs from around the 1980's which is the time when Matthew, the person I got the description of O'Barney, would of been a child. While i liked the idea of him having a blank stare I felt like that restricted the character a little so while I kept the round eyes I made him look more angry and threatening.


  1. I'm really liking 2 and 5 for their design and posture :)

  2. I like 4 and 3...I like the torso and legs of 3 (more straight and less curved) because it makes him feel larger and more covered up so he's more intimidating. I like the shape of the arms in 4 because he looks stronger and more grab-y if that makes he could pick up a kid with one arm easily.
