Monday, 31 December 2018

Minor Project: Mr Plimsolls- Storyboard

Fig 1: Storyboard Page 1

Fig 2: Storyboard Page 2 

Fig 3: Storyboard Page 3

Fig 3: Storyboard Page 4

Fig 4: Storyboard Page 5 - Final-

Mr Plimsolls Updated Audio after Feedback from Katie Lima on Vimeo.

Here is the Storyboard for my film about Mr Plimsolls, I wanted to go from black and white in the beginning parts and then moved to colour after the reveal of Mr Plimsolls just being a regular man. I didn't want to make the road he lived on too flat so I tried to make it look childish and that led to the circular nature of the road in some shots. A part of the storyboard that I found difficult was in the description from my Uncle about the house, I didn't want to change the perspective to my uncle as he talks about trying to avoid the house, having it instead stay on Mr Plimsoll's and his bungalow for the duration, so that part in the storyboard in my opinion is quite a weak part but it does help in the lead up to the Knock Down Ginger segment.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Minor Project: Further Update on Mr Plimsolls Audio

Mr Plimsolls Updated Audio after Feedback from Katie Lima on Vimeo.

After receiving the feedback in the last post, I updated the audio to help in stream lining the structure of it, such as deleted dialogue describing Mr Plimsolls that appeared twice and also changing the ending by swapping the two accounts over so that the ending works better.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Minor Project: Updated Audio for Mr Plimsolls

Mr Plimsolls Audio Version 2 from Katie Lima on Vimeo.

After receiving feedback from Phil for the previous post, I went back to the audio and made some adjustments, mainly getting rid of any dialogue that changes the focus from Mr Plimsolls to the person speaking as well as tweaking other dialogue, making it shorter and flow a bit faster to help in reducing the overall time of the audio.
The overall goal this time round was to have a build up of Mr Plimsolls being this scary character up until the reveal that he was just an old man and it was the children making up stories and being frighten of him solely based on his appearance, as the last version I posted didn't have that flow to it.

Monday, 3 December 2018

@Phil Minor Project: Audio For Mr Plimsolls

Mr Plimsoll Audio from Katie Lima on Vimeo.

Here is the compiled audio track that I made using the accounts I received from the people I had interviewed with about Mr Plimsolls. I initially went into forming an audio track with the a clear idea of what I wanted to include in the final track however it turned out harder than I thought it would do. What I want to convey in my final animation overall is to show what a childhood bogeyman was in the mind of a child compared to how they actually were in reality so hopefully that can show through in this audio I have here. There are some bits here and there that need some tweaking and I'd really love to have some feedback to help improve the audio further.