Friday, 22 March 2019

Major Project: 3D Environment- Mr Plimsoll's Bungalow Progress so far

Fig 1: Mr Plimsolls Bungalow
Fig 2: Close up on Roof
Fig 3: Close up on Fence and Gate
Fig 4: Model of Tree used in the Foreground

Here is the process of Mr Plimsoll's Bungalow at the moment, I still need to add the overgrown nature of the house, ivy on the roof and on the house, and the overgrown bushes that cover the front of the house. There is still some modifications that need doing on the gate panels and the windows still need developing.
Despite this I'm pretty happy with the progress so far with this scene, even if its still in the developing phase and in need of some refining.


  1. Hey Katie, looking good so far, something that sticks out (because I was told this as well when I did my concept art), the lines on the roof look very straight where as in animation, because it's stylised lines on buildings are more curved, I looked at your concept art and you've got the curves there they just haven't been carried over into your 3D translation yet :)

  2. Excited to see these developments, Katie - and yes, Paris is 100% right :)
